2024 By The Numbers
13 lambs born
3 successful lambing rescues (breech; tight ligaments; ring womb)
27.16" rainfall from 4/15-9/16 (April: 4.63; May: 5.76; June: 9.63; July: 1.76; August: 3.88; Sept: .875)
1 sheep, Tweeta, adopted by Little Blues Traveling Zoo
44.3 pounds of wool processed (washed)
Vendor at 6 fiber festivals
​2 months of grazing buckthorn: 7/11 - 9/10
1 ram added to flock: Mars
K/(Ca+Mg)=3.25: Grass hay mix analysis (Should be below 1.5 for adequate Ca absorption for PG ewes).
1 part Ca added to 1 part sheep mineral last 7 weeks of gestation
1 part Mg added to 10 parts sheep mineral last 3 weeks of gest
328 bales of hay consumed
470# grain purchased (350# corn and 120# sunflower seeds)
1 lecture given on Three Rivers Fibershed
2 looms purchased (rigid heddle and inkle)
1 cowl pattern published on Ravelry by a local designer using Curlee Acres sport yarn
38 kits sold (18 SWW, 20 designer patterns)
1 loading ramp built

2023 By The Numbers
11 lambs born
60# of washed wool processed
2 lambs old to Little Blues Traveling Zoo (a life of pets!)
Vendor at 5 fiber festivals
1 lambing seminar attended
3rd summer of drought
75 days grazing buckthorn and silvopasture
K/(Ca+Mg)=2.52: Grass hay mix analysis (Should be below 1.5 for adequate Ca absorption for PG ewes).
1 part Ca added to 2 parts sheep mineral
3 brown sheep visited: 1 to cavort with Macque, 1 to do the cavorting with Willow and Tweeta, and 1 to stay - Little Hope
335 bales of hay consumed
400# grain purchased (300# corn and 100# sunflower seeds)
2 hat patterns published on Ravelry by a local designer
55 hat kits sold (34 SWW, 7 Bear Track, 13 fingering bundles for the Ravelry hats)
2022 By The Numbers
9 lambs born
61 pounds of wool processed
26.6 average micron count (20.9 - 32.9 range)
1 pedal powered tumbler built
Vendor at 5 fiber festivals
1 Farm and Fiber Tour hosted
45 rotational grazing moves
Analysis of buckthorn leaves (8/1/22): 17% crude protein (wnl levels for Ca, P, Mg, K, and S)
280 bales of hay consumed
10 rugs woven
51 hat kits sold
50 wool sponge sets made
10 herding lessons attended
2021 By The Numbers
- 13 lambs born
​82 pounds of raw wool processed
24.8 average micron count
Vendor at 3 fiber festivals
Three Rivers Fibershed steward and board member
1 solar battery and 3 - 164 foot electric netting rolls purchased for rotational grazing
70 consecutive days of no rain (May 21 - July 30)
2 lambs sold to a traveling petting zoo (Ohana and Oscar 2)
330 bales of hay consumed
2 hat patterns produced
8 herding lessons attended